Find out why XLerant’s BudgetPak received the highest score for Ease-of-Use and Customer Support for 6th consecutive years among 20 BPM vendors in the latest BPM Partners Pulse of Performance Management survey, and outstanding scores in Overall Satisfaction, Budget/Planning Functionality, Performance/Scalability, Customer Support, and Ease of Implementation.

All XLerant users surveyed said they are likely to recommend BudgetPak to a friend or colleague, lending the vendor a 100% recommendation rate. (The survey results come directly from each vendor’s “users” or customer base.)

“We wanted something that would streamline our budgeting process. Cost wasn’t necessarily something that was going to make one system stick out above another. But justifying the cost is pretty easy when 30-plus members of your organization can say, ‘Hey, this is a lot better.’” said Brad Bertsch, Assistant Vice President, Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company.