Budgeting Myths. You’ve heard ’em all — and maybe even believe a few:
#18: The numbers are just a guesstimate.
# 7: It’s another useless annual exercise.
# 1: Employees always going to hate it!
At XLerant we believe budgeting myths should be busted, de-bunked, exposed and revealed.
Our truth: a purpose-built, cloud-based solution with an intuitive interface can actually make the complex budgeting and planning process easy to navigate for both finance teams and budget-managers alike. And by successfully engaging non-financial end-users, the final numbers are accurate and aligned to key objectives — providing meaningful insight and empowering informed decisions about your organization’s most critical resources.
BudgetPak – the truth is out there right here.
BudgetPak offers the finance team flexible functionality with a complete suite of tools, built-in reports, and controls, in an all-in-one solution. (No upcharges, or hidden fees for add-in modules and features.)
BudgetPak is ideal for busy organizations transitioning from Excel-based budgeting who need a dedicated, purpose-built solution. BudgetPak provides finance with strategic, actionable insights while ensuring budget managers can spend their time focused on how their budget will align with the organization’s goals and objectives – not figuring out formulas or restricted by row and column thinking.
In industry surveys, clients have recognized us for exceptional ease-of-use, quick implementation and great support.