Budgeting, Forecasting & Reporting.
We make budgeting with non-financial department heads possible…and painless!
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Budget Software That is Different – By Design.
Our budgeting software interface doesn’t look like Excel. It doesn’t look like any other budgeting software on the market. And that’s on purpose.
BudgetPak was created for organizations who want to engage lots of staff in the budgeting process. With award-winning ease-of-use, BudgetPak engages non-financial and financial managers alike.
Our Interactive Budget Map:
- Orients each user to where they are in the process
- Thoughtfully guides them through each step
- Shares real-time progress to targets set by finance

“Yes, we got more flexibility and yes, we got more financial controls and formality to the process… But the culture was the real goal. Managers are now much more attuned to their numbers.”
- Curt DeFriez, Controller at Western Governors University

When It's Time to Graduate From Excel…
BudgetPak was created by finance and IT executives who had experienced the time-consuming frustrations of budgeting & forecasting with Excel.
They recognized the challenges Excel posed for budget managers – and the impracticality of using Excel to communicate how the final budget numbers will align to strategy.
We believe your time is better spent on analysis, not the process, and delivering strategic guidance instead of consolidating spreadsheets or fixing formulas.

Where Controls & Collaboration Coexist
You need real-time access to numbers you can trust – and that requires a delicate balance:
- The right controls to increase accuracy, accountability and reduce variances…
- PLUS a platform that facilitates collaboration, increases transparency, and ensures thoughtful, dynamic communication
BudgetPak was created with the right balance of controls built into a collaborative platform – so you can trust the final numbers.
When accuracy really does count.
Staffing is often the single, largest expense of budgeting. BudgetPak supports accurate headcount planning – whether you use a centralized approach, de-centralized or somewhere in-between.
- Easy access to detailed salary & benefits information
- Quickly remove individual costs or shift hire dates across the entire budget
- Easily set cost drivers for benefits & salary increases
Watch our short headcount planning demo to learn more!
Budgeting software CAN be engaging!
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Empowered employees OWN their numbers!
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Budget to STRATEGY & achieve your objectives.
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