Rethinking The Budgeting Process - Maketoon Studios - XLerant

Safe Is the New Risky

Did you know that more people die in crosswalks than jaywalking? The reason is because people have a false sense of security in a crosswalk and don’t feel compelled to pay attention to what is going on around them. The same can be true for other aspects of life…or business for that matter. People (and…    Read More

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Perfection Paralysis - XLerant

Perfection Paralysis and Budgeting

“Perfection Paralysis” is defined as fear of moving on a particular issue unless absolute perfection is achieved. A similar sentiment is expressed in the phrase: “Perfection is the enemy of the good”. In other words, people will sacrifice positive achievement and movement because it was not perfect. If you could get a threefold improvement in…    Read More

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Businessman Confusion - XLerant

Excel in Budgeting – Friend or Foe?

Most organizations still use Microsoft Excel as their budget preparation tool. The reason for this is that the general ledger or ERP providers don’t focus on, or even understand, the budget process or budget workflow and do not think about this from the perspective of the average user or institution. So, financial people took matters…    Read More

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Seducing Users - XLerant

Seducing Users to Improve the Budget Process

In today’s world of software, people are used to being seduced by personal applications that make things simplistic…like Google or Facebook. They now expect that business software will follow suit. Wikipedia defines seduction as the process of deliberately enticing, corrupting, persuading, or inducing a person to engage in behavior. The word seduction stems from Latin…    Read More

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