Rethinking The Budgeting Process - Maketoon Studios - XLerant

Safe Is the New Risky

Did you know that more people die in crosswalks than jaywalking? The reason is because people have a false sense of security in a crosswalk and don’t feel compelled to pay attention to what is going on around them. The same can be true for other aspects of life…or business for that matter. People (and…    Read More

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DOT org - XLerant

Top 5 Evaluation Criteria for Nonprofit Budgeting Solutions

Many people feel that “budgeting is budgeting” regardless of the organization that you are in. That is not always the case. Nonprofit budgeting is a great example. Effective, precise budgeting is far more essential in an organization with slim margins and organizations that need to carefully manage cash. No where is this more true than…    Read More

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Proactive and Reactive - XLerant

Accounting for Special Projects: Budgeting for Strategic Initiatives

To state the obvious: budgeting is complex. Budgeting for strategic initiatives or accounting for special projects makes it even more so. Sometimes you want your department heads to submit their own initiatives and other times you want to dictate to departments which initiatives they need to budget for. But either way – you always want…    Read More

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Burning Businessman - XLerant

Leaving Excel? What you need to consider when evaluating budgeting software.

Decision Point:  When should you leave Excel budgeting behind?  And when the time is right, what do you need to consider when evaluating budgeting software? Lots of organizations “make-do” year over year with their current budgeting approach (Excel, ERP, etc.) At XLerant we often hear the question: “When is it the right time to invest…    Read More

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Motivates Organizations - XLerant

What Motivates Organizations to Abandon Excel Budgeting?

Budgeting, planning and forecasting are “mission critical” applications in most organizations today. A poor budgeting process is the number one reason why organizations miss their numbers. Implementing a process that appeals both to the financial organization, officially responsible for the budget, and the department heads, who own the results is hugely difficult. Poor capabilities from…    Read More

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