Money Bullseye - XLerant

RFP’s Don’t Work

  Many organizations still issue RFP’s for selection of software products. Issuing and RFP is an extremely poor way of evaluating software in today’s world, particularly end user software such as budgeting software. RFP’s are generally a generic wish list of historical features and functions that are also normally equally weighted. The process is outdated…    Read More

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Community College - XLerant

10 Problems Colleges & Universities Have With Budgeting

The problems that colleges and universities face when it comes to budgeting are significant. Given all the economic challenges higher education faces today and the need to do more with less, budgeting is clearly mission critical. That makes addressing the problems associated with budgeting a top priority. One of my old bosses used to say…    Read More

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Coffee and Calendar - XLerant

Someday is now… Somebody is you

Someday we’re going to make our budget process better… somebody should really do that. How often have you thought that? How often have you discussed that with the people you work with? Well… that some day is now, and that somebody is you. I know firsthand that leading an effort to redesign the planning process…    Read More

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BudgetPak logo - XLerant

Budgeting to Strategy in Higher Education – A Recorded Webinar

We ran a webinar last week that drew a lot of attention in higher education. If you work for a college (or if you’re planning on sending your children to college) you want to watch this. As one person attending the event commented afterward, “We’ve been struggling with financial issues since 2008, and this is…    Read More

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Keep College Affordable - XLerant

The Moon Shot for Higher Ed – Make College Affordable

When President Kennedy challenged the country to put a man on the moon and return him safely to earth by the end of the decade, it became known as “the moon shot.” The challenge was bold, the mission was clear, and everyone knew sacrifices had to be made to accomplish a great goal. The moon…    Read More

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Forecasts Fail - XLerant

Why Forecasts Fail. What to Do Instead.

I was very intrigued by a recent MIT Sloan School of Management Whitepaper, “Why Forecasts Fail. What do to Instead.” Authored by Anil Gaba, Robin Hogarth and Spyros Makridakis. As you probably know, MIT’s Sloan School is among the top quantitative business schools in the country. It’s the bastion for better business through data…    Read More

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Thinking Businessman - XLerant

Budget Strategies for Non-Profits in an Uncertain Economy

In a previous blog we talked about the unique challenges of budgeting in the not for profit sector ( ) We were overwhelmed by the response, and decided to follow it up with a live webinar. View the webinar recording, to hear directly from two leading CFOs who will share their experience in overcoming the…    Read More

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Steve Jobs and Bill Gates - XLerant

Budgeting: Steve Jobs or Bill Gates?

According to a recent survey (multiple surveys in fact) most organizations are still using Excel for budgeting. Part of the explanation for that, of course, is “it’s free”. But it’s also because we in Finance have a bias for spreadsheets. No self respecting accountant or finance professional would back down from the challenge of building…    Read More

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Fireworks - XLerant

A Shout Out to Linda Murphy Church

Every once in a while the sun and the moon and the stars all align just right to deliver an exceptional webinar. Such was the case recently when Linda Murphy Church presented how she used the rigorous Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria to access a critical decision the Rhode Island School of Design was facing. In…    Read More

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